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What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a tiny piece of text asking permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. If you agree, then your browser adds the text in a small file.

If you have set your browser to notify you before accepting a cookie, you will notice that requests a cookie to be set on your computer. Its purpose is to let us know when you visit our site. This cookie, by itself, only tells us that a previous visitor has returned. It doesn't tell us your e-mail address or who you are.

Why are Cookies Persistent?

If the web server does not detect a Unique ID for your session, it will generate one and send it to the client in the form of a cookie. So, if you accept the cookie, you only get it once.

So What Does A Cookie Do For Me, The Visitor?

When you are browsing in the store, you can add items to your shopping cart and return several days later to pick up where you left off, with the items still in the cart. Cookies make this possible!

Why Do I Need to Know This?

Because we want you to know why we ask you to accept a cookie. We want to be sure you understand that accepting a cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any personal information about you. We know that a lot of people have concerns about cookies, but in talking with many of our users, we feel that the benefit we both gain from their proper use is worthwhile. We value the relationships we have with our customers and future customers, so we respect these concerns.

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  • Phone: (800) 790-1956 or (425) 880-6245
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  • Fax:  (425) 660-8080
  • Location:  Redmond, WA
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